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Latest News always appears on the home page first and is later transferred to this page. 

Schooling Lessons Winter 2013/4

Offa’s Dyke Group are organising schooling lessons at Usk College over winter with Carole Broad and have extended to all members and Associate members, a welcome invitation to take part. Lessons are also available at Huntley as usual.

Full details and the booking form are on the Offa’s Dyke website rides and events page. 


Continuing the congratulations theme with another success! De Cymru member Liz Watts reported:-

 "My endurance season has finished on a fantastic high, just completed a tough 80km at Camelford with a G3 on Spirit which now upgrades me to advanced. Thank you Kirsty Wiscombe & Sue Box for everything:):):):):):):):)

Brilliant news LIz, we are so pleased for you and we hear your crew, Jason, did a great job! We need photos please

Congratulations to Sue Box and Ryu who completed their FEI 1* 80km ride at The College Ride at Keysoe on Sunday 15th September 2013.

Sue praised Liz Watts, Nicola Davies and Jason for their support and brilliant crewing. Well done to you all.

Congratulations also to Charlie Fleming and Zakhir who were successful completing the 120km FEI 2* at the College Ride at Keysoe.  

 Home International and Celtic Challenge at Barbury Castle on 17th & 18th August 


Congratulations to all who took part. 

1. Ireland  
2. Scotland 
3. Wales 
4. England 

1. Cornwall 
2. Ireland 
3. Wales 
4. Scotland 

Congratulations to De Cymru Members

We congratulate De Cymru member Sue Linney for winning the 34k performance formula class at Saintwestwell with Artizana Tah-Zen. Speed 12.75. Pulse 45.. 

Congratulations also to De Cymru committee member Sue Box and Kazeme El Mystral who completed the 80k GER at Saintwestwell. Kazeme has now upgraded to Advanced level. Sue may be able to confirm - it is Kazeme pictured in our banner on the left at the top of the page.  

Our next ride for 2013 

The Mynydd Machen Challenge is taking place on 5th May 2013 at the venue Cwm Hedd at Croesheolydd Farm Bassaleg Newport NP10 8RW

It is very close to the M4 Junction 28 so easy to find. Take a look at the link to the venue directions below.

Directions to Cwm Hedd


The pdf poster for Mynydd Machen Challenge 2013 


 Info about our 'contact us page'.

Just in case anyone has tried to get in touch via our contact page, please note that the email address has been changed due to the previous one being hacked. 

The contact form should now be working properly and we apologise if anyone has tried to make contact but has not had a reply due to the above problem. 

The new contact email is 

 Saturday 15th December 2012 Table Top / Tack Sale at Rudry Parish Hall, Rudry CF83 3DF

Sellers £5 per table.  Set up at 10.30am Buyers 11.00am - 2.30pm

Tea, coffee, snacks and maybe even some festive mince pies and fruit punch as well as a warm welcome awaits!  

Please let us know if you want to book a table so that we can allocate spaces. See Rides and Events page for contact details. 


 Sunday 30th September 2012


Beach Ride at Kenfig Nature Reserve.  

The organiser has sadly had to cancel  this event due to the lack of support from entries. It is possible we can reschedule for a later date. 

 Mynydd Machen latest news:-

Good News!

Due to the unavailability of Whitebarn Farm for Mynydd Machen and the Welsh Championship we have now secured a new venue at:- 

Croesheolydd Farm, (Cwm Hedd), Bassaleg, Newport, South Wales, NP10 8RW 

Our Thanks to Mr. Gwyn Williams for allowing us to have this venue and to ride across his land.

Please keep fingers crossed for decent weather!

Congratulations to the Welsh Endurance Team who were pipped to the post coming second in the Home International in Ireland. 

Mynydd Machen latest news:-

Whitebarn Farm Venue unavailable due to them not having cut their haylage yet so we are in talks with another venue provider in the same area.  

 Wentwood in Summer - New Ride

We were lucky enough to hold this ride on 14th and 15th July. Photographs are available to view. Follow the link at

Wentwood Ride is going ahead on Saturday and Sunday 14th and 15th July 2012.  Info will be on the way in the post for those who have entered.

Wentwood in Summer - New Ride

Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th July 2012

The ride on Saturday 14th July will be a social ride.


Well, plans have been thwarted by foul weather again and Mynydd y Crug has been cancelled. 

Thank you very much to all those riders who entered, we are so sorry about this outcome. 

Mynydd Machen Y Crug has been CANCELLED. Please contact Hilary by email At present she isn't able to answer phone calls due to work. Further information can be found on egb forum. All riders, helpers etc will be contacted. Please pass this information onto anyone you know has entered the ride. 

Welsh Championship Update

7th June 2012 - provisional map and class details 

The final map is being drafted after numerous route permissions and checking on horseback. Thank you for your patience.

 We are sorry to announce that we have had to cancel our training day on Saturday 19th May due to there being not enough participants. Thank you to the organisers and particularly Jenny Myerscough pictured below. She presented her Lusitano Stallion, Venturoso Repoula, in a ridden display in traditional Portuguese livery at The Golden Horseshoe on Sunday 13th May 2012. 

The Welsh Championship Update 7th May 2012

" The dates for the Welsh Championship will be 16/17th June. This year its been rather fraught with problems! First the tarmacking of the Sirhowy Valley Track meaning re-routing the Ride, then- well you don't want to know about all those annoying little other problems! Then of course the weather !
Now the Forestry seem to be harvesting all the forest in the area- so I'm currently working on a number of different routes for the Ride! Sp please be patient as a new set of permissions etc have to be obtained and new helpers, vets and so on all organised.
Hopefully we will get there and you will have some fantastic going and amazing views!"
Hilary Cuming - Organiser.

The next ride is going to be on Saturday/Sunday 26th/27th May 2012 run by our neighbour group of South and West Wales.

Pen Ddol y Gader (South and West Wales Group of EGB)

 The Mynydd Machen Challenge Incorporating the Welsh Championship

now becomes

The Mynydd y Crug Ride Incorporating the Welsh Championship

Route to be announced from a different venue but will be similar to Mynydd Machen

Saturday/Sunday 16th/17th June 2012

Mynydd Machen Challenge will now be a one day National Ride, venue - White Barn Farm on 11th/12th August 2012 with the same classes excluding the two day classes. A group ride will take place on Saturday 11th August and Mynydd Machen National Ride on 12th August 2012.

 Mynydd Machen cancelled

Saturday/Sunday 28/29 April 2012

We regret to announce that Mynydd Machen ride is cancelled due to the very bad weather causing access problems at the venue. Further to discussions with the Mynydd Machen venue owner  we are hoping to come to an arrangement where the ride can be put on later in the season.

Mynydd Machen update 23.04.2012

Mynydd Machen update 27.03.2012 

Cwm Sirhywi
This will be a National Ride to replace Ride the Rhondda on 12th August. For those unfamiliar with Welsh, "Mynydd" implies something steep whilst "Cwm" is a valley. The Route will take in the northern part of the Mynyndd Machen route including Mynydd y Crug but also cross the Sirhywi valley . Classes the same as Ride the Rhondda although distances will be confirmed prior to the Ride.

The De Cymru group sends their very best wishes to Charlie Fleming and hopes that Martyn will make a speedy recovery.

EGB De Cymru Trophy Card for 2012.pdf EGB De Cymru Trophy Card for 2012.pdf
Size : 118.756 Kb
Type : pdf
23rd February 2012

Due to a major computer failure, the Newsletter and the Trophy Card publication have been delayed. All members and associate members who attended Maryland will have their mileage credited to them. Please fill in the card as usual and the Trophy Secretary will know who attended the ride.  


23rd February 2012

Winter Newsletter ready and sent to all on the Email Newsletter list.

3rd February 2012

Our latest Winter Newsletter is on the verge of publication as we are waiting for some last minute copy. This will contain the 2011 awards. 

We hope to have this ready over the next few days.

1st February 2012

New website is launched. It is being updated constantly and at present may contain the basic information on rides and events. Ride information, instructions and maps will be added as soon as they become available. 

We have some pleasure/fun rides in the planning stage and hope to include these on the rides and events pages just as soon as dates have been agreed.